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Public Websites


Home Page

All of the leagues powered by League Engine are provided with their very own clean and customizable public website. The purpose of the public website is to provide visitors and potential players with information about your league, such as where it's located, when your seasons are, what kind of skill level is required, etc.

About Us Page

Your league's About Us page is designed to contain all of the information a visitor could ever need. For example, how long your league has been around, the number of players that usually join, whether it's a competitive or recreational league, etc.

Sponsors Page

The Sponsors page is where individuals and businesses can show their support for your league. Sponsorship with League Engine is incredibly easy to manage and beneficial for both the sponsors and the league. When someone sponsors a league, their logo, title, description, and a link to their website are listed on this page for the public to see.

Contact Us Page

This page makes it easy for visitors to contact you with any questions or comments. There's a form that can be filled out, which sends a message directly to your league's contact email address, and the league's contact information is also listed on the side.

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